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The Writing Center will offer both in-person and online tutorials this semester.

Monday - Thursday

To prepare for your tutorial we suggest that you:

1) Arrive at the Writing Center, on the first floor of Pollak Library North, roughly 10 minutes before the start time of your appointment.

2) Tell the front desk person your name and that you are here for an appointment.

3) Keep the assignment that you’re working on handy. You might also want the prompt nearby as well.

4) Prepare questions you might have about the assignment ahead of time. We recommend higher order concerns, such as thesis statements, flow, transitions, paragraph organizations, citations, etc.

5) Focus your questions on your two or three biggest concerns.

6) Please note that while tutors will work on a variety of issues concerning your paper, they will not simply “correct” your paper, so it is best to have specific ideas of what you think may need work.

7) You must be present for the tutorial. We cannot accept emailed papers at this time.


Friday & Sunday Online Only

To prepare for your online tutorial we suggest that you:

1) You have to log back into roughly 10 minutes before the start time of your appointment.

2) Then click your appointment, and then click "join conversation."

3) Keep the assignment that you’re working on open. You might also want the prompt nearby as well.

4) Prepare questions you might have about the assignment ahead of time. We recommend higher order concerns, such as thesis statements, flow, transitions, paragraph organization, citations, etc.

5) Focus your questions on your two or three biggest concerns.

6) Please note that while tutors will work on a variety of issues concerning your paper, they will not simply “correct” your paper, so it is best to have specific ideas of what you think may need work.

7) You must be present for the tutorial. We cannot accept emailed papers at this time.


Spring 2025 Hours

January 27th  – May 9th   

Monday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Tuesday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Thursday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (Online)

Sunday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Online)

Welcome to the CSUF Writing Center Appointment Scheduling System!

If this is your first time visiting the site and Writing Center, please review the Writing Center's appointment policies at 

Then register by clicking on the link above. 


We will be closed during finals week as our employees are all students who need to focus on their studies during Finals Week and whose schedules are very limited over that time period.
Thank you for your understanding.



The Writing Center promotes an environment that cultivates the growth and creativity of all writers, providing them with the resources to develop their abilities as writers and critical thinkers.

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